How to clean washing machine drum.
Are you tired of having
a smelly washing machine and want to keep it running at optimal and peak
performance levels? Well, in this topic, I'm going to share some tips and tricks
on how you can properly clean and deodorize your washing machine regardless.

Top loading or front loading.
A high-efficiency
machine. I'll also share some maintenance tips to avoid future costs, so welcome to this article.
When you wash your
clothes, there are many microfiber towels with a lot of dirt and grime. Over time, when you pass that, you get some soap scum residue build-up, you
get dirt and grime build-up from your clothes from microfiber towels, and
just your average load that builds up, and eventually, while you can have some
bacteria, some fungi, and
some microbes or germs that create all that odor because of that build-up. You have to remove that so we're not masking things. We're correctly going to do
a deep clean, so
first, we need a few
items that household items that you probably already have at home, straightforward
stuff, so the first one is just pure
- Pure plain baking
- White vinegar
So it can be cleaning
vinegar that's a bit more potent or just your regular white vinegar that you
use to cook stuff with essential oils, so either lavender or tea tree oil, and you're
gonna need a measuring cup, and for the maintenance towards the end we need a
- Sprayer bottle
- Microfiber towel
- Plain old toothbrush
that you can use to do a
bit of cleaning, so we're first going to start with the
Baking soda:
So you're going to open
your washer, and you're going to pour 2 cups of baking soda directly into the
tub. You're going to close your machine, and the critical thing here is to use either
a regular cycle or select the hottest possible temperature, so make sure you're
At the hottest level and
run the cycle, or if, like on modern machines, you have a tub cleaning option, you can select that as well. Usually, those already have the hottest water
temperatures, and you're gonna let that rip, and that's pretty much it for the first
cycle so
What baking soda does it use.
Gonna act as a mild
abrasive, so it will help to scrub the inner parts of the tub and, of course,
the tub itself, and it will also help fight odors. The second part, again
these are all straightforward steps to perform, is going to take
the measuring cup, you're
going to pour 2 cups of white vinegar inside the measuring cup, and then you're
going to add 10 drops of essential oils, so either lavender or tea
tree oil, so 10 drops
directly into your mixture using your old toothbrush to mix that whole variety. You're gonna open your dispenser tray, and you gonna pour that into the
detergent, and if you have too much, you can also put some in
the pre-wash or liquid
bleach or fabric softener also, so fill all that dispensing tray with the um
two cups of the white vinegar and essential oils, and then again, we're gonna do the same thing. We're going to run a long hot cycle, so either choose your clean tub option if you have that on your washer or select a normal cycle
And do it again.
the hottest temperature
setting, and you're going to let that go, and that's pretty much it, so what this
vinegar combination with the essential oils is gonna do is not only uh help
orders once again, but it's gonna help to sanitize if
you want it's gonna have
antimicrobial properties, anti-fungal properties antibacterial properties as
well, and you're fighting the issue at the core, so you're removing the
odour-causing bacteria gunk and scum and don't forget that the
Vinegar also helps to
remove any soap scum and soap residue that's in there that accumulates over
time now if you don't have these household items if you don't have any baking
soda or white vinegar, or if you want
Something even easier to
do well is some washer cleaner tablets are available. This one here is one of my preferred
Clean with afresh:
Ones from Afresh are
good for again top loader or front loading machines there these little tabs
that come in these packets. You're gonna pull the tablet out, you're gonna open
your washer, you're gonna put the tablet in the tub, close it up, and then you're
gonna select either once again the regular cycle with
The hot setting, or if you have that option go to your tub clean and just let it rip for a complete cycle, and that's it. That's a one-step cleaning, so what it does is it penetrates inside. It's going to remove and kill all that grime, dirt, and residue
whatever build-up that's
in there and it's going to help fight the odors again if you ask me for that
How to clean Samsung washing machine.
If you want to clean a Samsung
washing machine, you have to do this if you use your washer often, so if
you're a family with children and you do multiple loads a week, well, I'd recommend doing this cleaning once a month, including the fresh
Afresh recommends once a month if
If you're a single person.
you're using the washer
tablets, but if you're a single person or just a couple with no kids and you do, say, one load a week, well, then you can do this cleaning procedure once every
Three to four months, which should be good or as needed, depending on the
amount of use you're doing with this machine. For the maintenance tips, I'm
going to share
Three different maintenance tips.
So what you're going to
do is take a sprayer bottle, so you're going to prep a solution ahead of time so
in there you're going to have an equal amount of
Dishwashing liquid and
white vinegar, so a 50-50 mix, and you're also going to add 10 drops of essential
oils once again, either tea tree Or lavender
so your choice of either
or so 10 drops in there, you're gonna mix that up to have this solution in your
spray bottle ready, and when you're done for each load, you're going to open the
door, and then you're going to spray some on this glass portion of the door
you're going to take a microfiber towel, and you're going to wipe that very quickly
Clean a front load:
When you open your front
loader, this is a tip for front
loading machines, you
always have this rubber gasket that goes all around here well that accumulates
a lot of dirt and grime over time as well, so you're gonna
Spray that solution on that rubber gasket. You're gonna take a sponge or your microfiber towel. You're gonna rub and wipe all around there to make sure you don't have any gunk, dirt,
residue, or nastiness on there, so that's the second part. Then the third part is
also to open your dispenser tray, and you can usually remove those very quickly, so there's
usually a push tab like this to pull your tray out. You're going to spray the solution that you just made inside there, or at the bare minimum, use some warm soapy water, and you're gonna use an old toothbrush, right, and you're just gonna brush all of that up. You're gonna thoroughly rinse that and then dry it up with your microfiber towel so that it should be free.
Clean off any gunk or
grime, and once this tray is fully clean well, you can just wipe it down with a
microfiber towel, so you're also reducing chances of moisture accumulation after
each load, and then also
quick tip when you're done with the bag leave your door open that front
loading door and also the dispenser tray available so what you're going to promote
is air
the circulation, you're
going to get less of that humidity and moisture build-up, and you're not going to
create that odor-causing grime and dirt to build up over time. Last but not least, we're going to talk about the filter that's in the
The bottom portion should be cleaned by this method.
Of your front-loading
washer and how you can maintain that as well. So guys, on the bottom of your
front-loading machines, you're often going to find this trap door with a
filter inside it, so there's a rubber tube you
can pull out. You're going to take just a plastic container to drain the water, so pull the
plug out, and you're going to drain the water if there's any water to be had. As you can tell in this one, we're already not only removing some water
but let me show you
closely here. There's also a bit of grime in there. Look at that's what the
filter catches over time. Hence, you must remove
that dirt, grime, and gunk and let all that water drip. When there's nothing left, you can put the cap back on
there, fit the tube in there correctly, and now you can unscrew the filter
by turning
counterclockwise and put a microfiber towel on the bottom to catch any
residual water that might be in there. That's why.
It's important:
Once you pull that out, look at this, I mean, and this is done regularly, once a month, right while you're
still getting a lot of dirt, grime and fibres and hair and all sorts of gunk, so
what you're going to do is
Remove all of that dirt, grime, and gunk. You will take the solution we made right with
dishwashing liquid and vinegar. You're going to spray that all over this filter. You're going to
Brush with an old
toothbrush; once you're done, you will thoroughly rinse it. Once it's
clean and dry, you can reattach it inside by turning it clockwise to ensure
it's secure and then
cleans that trap door, and then you can close the trap door, and you're done. You do this once a month, so guys, now you know how to clean, deodorize and maintain
your washing machine clean.
Thanks for your visit.